Description: Geomembranas Industriales, revestimientos, geotextiles, con revestimiento para todo tipo de albercas y piscinas, lagos artificiales, depósitos de agua
Description: Fugro collects and interprets data related to the earth's surface and the soils and rocks beneath and provides advice, for purposes related to the oil and gas industry, the mining industry, the construction & infrastructure industry, and the field of wat
Description: Since 1991, HESCO Concertainer, the original multi-cellular defense barriers, have saved countless lives and provided dependable protection for military, security and humanitarian applications.
Title: Layfield Environmental Systems: A specialist in geomembranes , containment systems, baffles and floating Covers
Description: Designer, builder, installer of: patented tank systems; design, fabrication, and installation of: floating cover systems, geomembrane lining systems and baffles for reservoirs, tanks, lagoons.