Title: : : : : C O F R A : : : s a f e t y w o r k w e a r : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
Description: Cofra Safety, certified ISO 9001, safety and occupational footwear manifacturer distributing and selling in Europe and Canada. Cofra Safety Shoes Srl, certificata ISO 9001, produce e commercializza calzature per uso professionale
Keywords:safety shoes, safety boots, professional shoes, waterproof footwear, work boots, calzature di sicurezza, scarpe da lavoro, stivali, leather boots, water repellent leathers, steel toe, work hard, work shoes, ANSI standards, certificazione ISO 9001, gore-tex, scarpe per uso professionale, anfibi, forniture militari, industrial safety, protezione individuale, P.P.E., personal protection equipment, individual protection, foot care protection,
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