Title: BuddhaBellies - Active Birth & Yoga for Pregnancy
Description: BuddhaBellies:, Active Birth Classes, Yoga for Pregnancy information and DVD, antenatal and postnatal care, workshops and resources provided by Nicole Croft. Plus providing Helios homeopathic kits, Kari-Me slings, Buddhabellies yoga DVD, yoga mats and bi
Keywords:BuddhaBellies, Active birth, Yoga for Pregnancy, Buddha Bellies, advice, information, classes, couples workshops, antenatal yoga, postnatal, baby massage, Nicole Croft, Helios homeopathy, birth stories, Kari-Me Slings, pregnant exercise, books, publications, articles, research papers, pregnancy exercise, baby, born, homeopathy, complementary medicine,
... (View More)
Vanda Scaravelli, oxford, woodstock, oxfordshire, videos, hospitals, home birth, pain relief, education, training, choice, complementary therapies, pregnancy massage, childbirth, homebirth, birth ball, pregnancy & exercise, birth at home, preparation, DVD, Yoga for Pregnancy DVD, uk, united kingdom, english, british, england, active birth classes, natural birth, child birth, perineal massage, homebirths(View Less)