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Title: The Sol Group-Home
Description: The SOL GROUP producing optimum quality produce for the U.S. market. Our farms are located in the southern and eastern parts of Honduras in Central America where climatic conditions are just right for our cantaloupes, honeydews, seedless and mini waterme
Keywords:Sol, solgrpup, Solgroup, the Sol Group, the sol group, pompano Beach, South florida melons, South florida fruit, marketing, Fresh Produce Company, melon production, Produce Growers, importers, Produce, Distributors, Packers, Marketers, shippers, Wholesale, commercially grown, growers, Growers, Marketing, wholesale, melons sales,
... (View More)
brokers, Honduras, central america, importer, farmers, grow, Fruit, melons, Cantaloupe, cantelope, canteloupe, Watermelons, shipping, cargo, freight, raw produce, fruit, seasonal produce, seasonal fruit, fresh, melon, honeydew, Seedless watermelons, honey dew, Personal watermelons, Squash Family, Seeded watermelons, ocean freight, cargo shipping producer, Winter season, Seeds, distributor, fresh-produce, ship, sales, distribution.(View Less)