Title: Quiet: The Power of Introverts - By Susan Cain
Description: Quiet: The Power of Introverts - an ongoing examination and discussion of introverts, introversion, extroverts, extroversion, and their roles and ramifications in society.- By Susan Cain
Title: Twitter And Facebook Blog - Social Networking Tips
Description: Website to help take your Social Networking experience to a higher level. We cover Twitter, Tacebook and other favorite social network sites.
Description: For all the introverts who would rather stay home and do nothing, these are all the excuses you need. Project by Zainab Lari | www.zainab-lari.com
Title: Introverts and Extraverts; From Mother to Daughter/From Father to Son
Description: See how the world is made up of introverts and extraverts, and discover which one you are by reading this book and comparing yourself to family members.