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Title: - ATMATA KENDRAM - Health Service Department of Archidiocese of Changanacherry
Description: ATMATA is an NGO which is established in 1991 and registered with the Government of Kerala in 1993 as a Charitable Society under No.K-453/93. ATMATA is the abbreviation of the Archdiocesan Temperance Movement for awareness and Treatment of Addicts. It us
Keywords:Crupa Home, home for destitute, pastrol center, changanacgerry, child care, protection HIV, protection aids, Support a child, care, HIV, AIDS, HIVAIDS, Abortion, suicide, preventions, charitable society, atmata kendram, awareness, organization, fingodaop, treatment addicts, promotion of health, health care unit, NGO, AGNPP,
... (View More)
crs, underpriviliged people, HIV positive, positive thinker, national fingodap, drugs abuse, drugs, atmata projects, crupa house, kattanam, accept, Alcohol and Drug Information, Prescription Drug Information, Alcohol Problems & Solutions, alcohol misuse, supporting treatment, Centers for Disease, Control and Prevention(View Less)