Title: India-Pakistan Friendship Club (IPFC) - Home
Description: India-Pakistan Friendship Club (IPFC) is a community that is working to bridge the gap between Indians and Pakistanis, so that there is peace between these two countries.
Title: Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority | Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority
Description: The Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority (SLTDA) was formed as the apex body for Sri Lanka Tourism under Section 2 of the Tourism Act (No. 38 of 2005).SLTDA acts as the National Tourism Organization (NTO) for Sri Lanka,Asia’s Foremost Tourism Destin
Description: home - About India from around the world. for global citizens of India. ilaka means more than a neighborhood - its home where people khow you, have friends family and well wishers - where you feel home and comfortable. ilaka news gathers news about India.
Description: The South Asian University is an International University sponsored by the eight Member States of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC).The eight countries are: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and
Title: Diplomatic Square, Diplomatic India, Diplomacy India,, International relations, Indian diplomacy, India's foreign policy,
Description: Diplomatic Square is an initiative by a group of professionals interested in international relations who bring on regular basis news/views/events concerning