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Title: Arman Shokrollahi, Ph.D. @ Microsoft
Description: Academic Homepage of Arman Shokrollahi - CS - Network Science - Data Mining
Keywords:theory of computation, directed graph, extremal graph theory, hypergraphs, extremal graph and hypergraph theory, extremal and probabilistic combinatorics, probabilistic method in combinatorics, probabilistic method in graph theory, network optimization, stochastic optimization, dynamic programming, big data, graph theory, combinatorics, random graphs, random structures, probabilistic combinatorics, probabilistic method, nonlinear programming, discrete optimization, integer programming, linear programming, management science, combinatorial optimization, operational research,
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operations research, game theory, auction theory, machine learning, discrete mathematics, cryptography, security, database systems, data mining, graph mining, complexity theory, Theory of Computing, Algorithms, ee, electrical engineering, cs, computer science, olympiad, mathematics, shokrollahi, arman, Arman Shokrollahi, USA, Iran, Germany(View Less)