Title: AMGA
Description: AMGA is a trade association representing medical groups, health systems, and other organized systems of care, including some of the nation's largest, most prestigious integrated delivery systems.
Keywords:medical group, medical groups, group practice, group practices, health systems, integrated health systems, healthcare systems, healthcare provider organizations, provider organizations, physician organizations, accountable care organizations, ACOs, coordinated care, integrated healthcare systems, independent physician associations, IPA, IPAs, academic practices, faculty practices, high-performing health systems, HPHS, population health, AMGA Consulting, AMGA Analytics, AMGA Foundation,
... (View More)
AMGA CAPP, AMGA Council of Accountable Physician Practices, accountable care, Measure UpPressure Down, Together2Goal, Group Practice Journal, GPJ, high performance health, advancing high performance health, healthcare advocacy, healthcare trade association, donald fisher, don fisher, best practices collaboratives, clinical best practices, physician leadership, healthcare leadership, healthcare education, healthcare conference, healthcare exhibits, healthcare advertising, healthcare jobs, healthcare careers, healthcare employment, healthcare lobbying(View Less)